This is an experienced role responsible for Dataclair AI product portfolio. We’re looking for candidates with previous experience in technology companies who profoundly understand how to create and maintain big data software products. You will work closely with our internal/external customers and development teams through all the product stages. If you’re one of the candidates, you dare to work in an R&D environment where “R” truly means Research. You can easily manage a variety of customer requests. You are a proactive communicator, negotiator and leading person who always clearly states “what to build next” from the pipeline and why. As a product manager, you know how to work in SCRUM like SDLC. Last but not least, you will contribute as our teammate to building our culture.
What is essential:
What is optional:
In short, we do AI. In full, we do AI to make the world a better place.
We are strong advocates of fair machine learning in a business environment. We implement and deploy our ethical AI algorithms so that they elevate human condition, improve quality of life, and generate significant profits at the same time.
Dataclair has been founded by the biggest Czech telco operator O2 as a centre of AI R&D and business application in telco, finance and pharma. It combines the best of both the corporate and startup worlds – a stable working environment, inspirational colleagues and bold mission.
Our website:
The company we’re a part of:
The place where we stay:
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